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Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Feng Shui, Geopathic Stress, and me...and you.

This year I have been revisiting the ancient art of Feng Shui. If I remember correctly, I practiced this as best I could before I bought my home, and when I got my home, I set it up with what I remember to be good things in good places, but with time I have gotten a little distracted from the practice.
You too, may be looking to get a little more control, and order into your life. A cleaner, less cluttered happier home sounds good to most everyone, right? Well, let's do that!

What made me wish, need, and/or feel that I needed to get back into it was what I saw going on in my neighborhood, which in a nutshell, has been negative in nature. My neighborhood seemed sick. I thought it best that I should "protect" my home, and well being, and so I have begun, once again, reading, studying, and buying, or making things for this purpose. During this time I also learned about Geopathic Stress, which is a distorted or disrupted electromagnetic field of the Earth (Schumann Resonance / Waves). While there are positive stress lines, so too there are not so positive lines. Some people think that vibrations rising up out of the earth can cause negative happenings, and emotions. What I am now attempting to do it learn how to identify the bad Geopathic Stress areas outside of the house. I am not too good with dowsing rods as of today...

The remedy I am going to use (besides the Feng Shui, and Crystals) is made out of copper. A copper pipe driven into the ground, to be exact, so as to turn the identified black negative line into a more harmonious white line. Copper is a conductive material and is cut to length to resonate with the particular frequency of the Geopathic Stress being remedied. They say the results from clearing Geopathic Stress are instant, providing quick relief for those who have lived with the effects of Geopathic Stress for some time. As I believe my neighborhood has. It will be my yard that I will be looking for stress lines in, but I am hoping this will, in turn, have a positive effect on the whole neighborhood. Fingers crossed. This can also be done inside the home, and I have already done this, as best I could. Weather permitting, I will soon be outside to see what I can find.

Between the re-visiting of Feng Shui, placing of Healing Crystals, and identifying the Geopathic Stress areas in the house I actually do feel better. I have also been attempting to rid the house of some clutter, and unused things, as well as clean it (another basic Feng Shui principle). While reading about Feng Shui, I can tell you, it is very easy to get caught up in all of the Chinese protective statues, and such, but I am going to do my best to stay with the basics of color, earth elements, keeping tidy, and clean, and simple.

I am also determined to help the neighborhood get better, for everyone's sake. According to some Feng Shui practitioners I could just as easily place a Bagua Mirror on the house to send back the bad energy created out there, but that does not really fix the problem, if you are looking for a harmonious neighborhood. So I will be using other cures outside this year. Things like a Mirror Ball, wind chimes, and a whirligig strategically placed in the yard. Objects with Movement like Mobiles, colorful flags and “wind-dancers” activate Chi energy in a beautiful, mesmerizing way.

In the house, as you can see from the photos are different rooms that I have been working on. In most of these I have added things I think will help the neighbors, and more, also. It could be something happy hanging in the window, nice new curtains, or crystals. You can hang a clear faceted crystal in your window to attract the sparkle of the sun and its full color spectrum into your space.
Crystals from the earth such as quartz or amethyst are an important source of Earth energy that bring a sense of groundedness to your life. You can read more about Healing Crystals HERE.
If you are looking for a new beginning I would have to say, start with cleaning, and de-cluttering. Then get a compass, and follow the map at the top of this post (it is helpful to print it out), and look for the colors, and earth elements you can add to that specific area of the room. You only need a little item, not cover the entire area with it.

Today I cleaned out from under my bed (in Feng Shui it is very bad to have things under the bed). Feng Shui would like the area under your bed to be completely clear so Chi energy can circulate and nourish you as you sleep, so all of my shoes now have a new home. As you can see, it is very sensible advise, things under the bed gather dust, and dirt, and that is not healthy, neither is a dirty house. Clutter in the home does not make us feel good either. So it is probably time to get to work on living a better life, and include those around you in the neighborhood (even if you would rather not). Positive attracts positive. Believe me, I am doing my best to live these words.

At this point in the journey, I can let you know that I do feel better. If I have accomplished nothing else, the house is all clean, and straightened up. I gave a lot of unused clothing to charity, threw away thing I have not used for a long time, including broken things. I have also made the house look a little brighter, and happier.
Remember: With every Feng Shui Chi adjustment, your Intention gives them their power. Place the objects with your intentions firmly in mind to do the best job of anchoring or activating the blessings of Chi energy in your life. I hope this helps you too. Let me know in the comments.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Gothic, Victorian, or Just Plain Creepy, and Eerie Garden. Your Choice.

For many of you, spring is in the air, and it's time yet again to venture out and make your statement to the world. Your gardening statement, that is, and you have to decide what is going to define you this year. My personal choice lies somewhere between Gothic, and Wild Victorian. It just depends on my mood that day, and where I am working on the grounds. Meaning just how much sunlight is going to be reaching the area.

You may think that just because part of your yard is in shade that you have to give up on your dream of planting, but that is not the case. There are many interesting looking plants that would love that spot, and they just happen to be perfect for that mysterious look that you may be wanting. Look at the following plants, and tell me if this is just the look that you have been wanting to achieve: Black Taffeta Coral Bells: It features dark, highly-ruffled look, and glossy leaves that maintain a warmer tone throughout the winter. The tops of the leaves are a burnished black while the bottoms are plum-colored, bringing some chocolaty warmth to the black color.
Dusty Miller: The silvery-white color is a great foil for any type of garden blossom and the fine-textured foliage creates a beautiful contrast against other plants' green foliage. Dusty is very easy to grow, withstanding heat and drought.
Hosta 'Komodo Dragon': The heavily-rippled, dark green, pointed leaves stretch outward to form an impressive, upright, 7' wide Hosta fluctuans-like clump. Don't plant Hosta 'Komodo Dragon' unless you have plenty of room. The giant clumps are topped in midsummer with 4' tall scapes laden with light lavender flowers...a hummingbird magnet.
Twilight Foamy Bells: The charcoal color on the leaves is unprecedented on this low, broad hybrid. Exceptionally vigorous, it makes for a groundcover beyond compare, while the distinctive color also makes it attention-getting in mixed containers!
Ghost Lady Fern: A cross between Lady Fern and Japanese Silver-Painted Fern, 'Ghost' improves on these two favorites by combining finely divided foliage, excellent upright habit, and silvery-gray fronds so luminous they appear to glow.
Japanese Painted Fern: A colorful addition to the shade garden, this deciduous fern has glowing pewter-and-green fronds and red or purple stems. Give this plant moist, well-drained soil.
Tassel Fern: This very low-maintenance, dependable shade lover brightens the landscape in all seasons. Like most ferns, this species is resistant to disease and nearly immune to pest problems.
Not bad so sar, but let's see what else we can have if we have spot that gets a little more sun during the day...

Black Magic Elephant Ear: The enormous elongated heart-shaped leaves of Elephant's Ears make them useful accents in beddings (where space permits), large containers and water gardens. Seldom-seen flowers resemble trumpet-like Callas. Also known as Taro, its tuberous roots are eaten as food in many tropical areas.

Japanese Blood Grass: It emerges in spring as a green grass but quickly adds blood-tinted tips as the season goes on. By mid-June, the grass is half red, half green and, by fall, it is almost completely red.
Purple Fountain Grass: This Fountain Grass has elegant plumes with a pink/reddish hue, getting its name “Rubrum” from the word meaning red. It will put on a lovely, decorative show in the garden and is a wonderful accent grass.
Purple Basil: This plant has dark purple leaves, and can reach a full 2 feet at maturity. Although most basil varieties are green, even they usually have purple flowers. It does not come back the next year, but it re-seeds itself very easily.
It's getting even more interesting isn't it? You might also look in to picking the plants that are just right for giving you a Glowing Moon Garden. Moon gardens shine at night, without the aid of light. Those plants tend to be in the lighter shades of green, and white, etc. Here are a few of those who would fit right in with our theme. Garden hydrangea: The shrub is easy to grow, needing little fussing beyond watering, occasional feeding, and light pruning once a year. If you would prefer Blue, just put coffee grounds around the bush.
Heuchera, ‘Electric Lime’ Heuchera: The perfect accent for a mostly green garden; its big maple-like leaves add a pop of bright lime that’s guaranteed to wake up darker green shrubbery.
Royal Wedding Hosta: The white edging is mirrored by the snow white flowers that arise on 20-inch flower scapes. While most Hostas grow tiny, ornamentally insignificant flowers, 'Royal Wedding' boasts 3 to 4 inch blooms that are reminiscent of Magnolia blooms and which are, fittingly, very fragrant.
White Caladium: This vibrant white caladium works well in any shady area of your garden. The leaves are paper-thin translucent white with a thin netting of green and pronounced green main veins.
Ipomoea alba, sometimes called the moonflower (but not to be confused with the other species also called moonflower) or moon vine, is a species of night-blooming morning glory, native to tropical and subtropical regions of the New World.
‘Casa Blanca’ Oriental lilies provide wonderful fragrance and large, showy blooms for the mid-summer garden.
I bet you feel like getting outside now! I know that I do. One last thought...don't forget the garden accessories!!! Here are a few that I hope to add this year.
Enjoy the time in your garden, and don't forget to share your pictures!