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Showing posts with label demons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label demons. Show all posts

Friday, March 16, 2018

THE HAUNTED HOUSE IN BRIDE STREET a Ghost Story for Saint Patrick’s Day

Who doesn't love a true ghost Story?

Just in time for Saint Patrick's Day is a real haunting tale from Ireland as told in the late 1800's. This story appeared on the front page of The Weekly Irish Times in 1888, and is sure to please the ghost hunter in you. Sit back,relax, and enjoy a tale from long ago.

One hundred and thirty years ago, on Saturday, March 17th, The Weekly Irish Times published some spooky Irish stories on its front page as part of its series of “Fireside Tales of Many Counties”. This is one of them.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Capturing Ghostly Spirits in the Morning Ghost Hunting and Apparitions.

Another Paranormal Video for your viewing pleasure.

It's important that you watch this one until the end, this time that is the very best part, and then, of course, the battery dies after the apparition appears.
Please Subscribe For More!!!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Ghostly Hand Print Left On Bed Cover, Paranormal, Ghost, Spirits

Hand print appears on bed cover. #Ghost #Paranormal #Spirits

I walked into an unused bedroom in the house the other day and found this hand print was left on the bed cover.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

How To End Violence In One Day

How We Could End Violence In One Day
Sounds impossible doesn't, but it can be done, and at absolutely zero cost to anyone. Search the internet, and you will find thousands upon thousands of sites dedicated to ending violence. Violence against women, violence against children, violence against black men, violence the police, and the list goes on, and on, but the solution is really very simple, and it lies with you. Your own behavior, and your attitude, and your comments are really the only thing that you can control in life. You can try to influence others, but in the end the only person you can guarantee to change is yourself. So that is where you must begin.
What is this magic pill, you ask???
It all has to do with you, and your behavior. Your reactions to others in your everyday life.
Make today a new day. Use it as a day to begin again. Greet others with a smile, and a friendly "Hello". Show everyone you meet in your day respect, no matter what kind of person it is. They are a person, not a group, or a stereotype. Be kind, and see what kind of response you get. It may not work every time, but that is not a reflection of you, it is another person who also must change. Don't make everything about you, and you will drastically improve your life.
Think of others, and how their day may be going, and how you could influence that in a more positive way. We must, as humans begin to accept responsibility for our own lives, and where we are in them. We cannot blame anyone else for that.
Never do illegal drugs, or abuse alcohol. Both will lead to violence. Illegal drugs support the drug cartels, and alcohol is a factor in 40% of all violent crimes today.
Remember the The Golden Rule “Treat others as you want to be treated.
Never lie, cheat, or steal. Never listen to those with negative thoughts. Never listen to those who tell you you cannot succeed because of someone, or something else. That is pretty easy, so if it has been a part of your everyday life, you may wish to remember the rules of Karma:
1. THE GREAT LAW - "As you sow, so shall you reap". This is also known as the "Law of Cause and Effect". Whatever we put out in the Universe is what comes back to us. If what we want is Happiness, Peace, Love, Friendship. Then we should BE Happy, Peaceful, Loving and a True Friend.
2. THE LAW OF CREATION - Life doesn't just HAPPEN, it requires our participation. - We are one with the Universe, both inside and out. Whatever surrounds us gives us clues to our inner state. BE yourself, and surround yourself with what you want to have present in your Life.
3. THE LAW OF HUMILITY - What you refuse to accept, will continue for you. If what we see is an enemy, or someone with a character trait that we find to be negative, then we ourselves are not focused on a higher level of existence.
4. THE LAW OF GROWTH - "Wherever you go, there you are". For us to GROW in Spirit, it is we who must change - and not the people, places or things around us. - The only given we have in our lives is OURSELVES and that is the only factor we have control over. When we change who and what we are within our heart our life follows suit and changes too.
5. THE LAW OF RESPONSIBILITY - Whenever there is something wrong in my life, there is something wrong in me. We mirror what surrounds us and what surrounds us mirrors us; this is a Universal Truth. - We must take responsibility what is in our life.
6. THE LAW OF CONNECTION - Even if something we do seems inconsequential, it is very important that it gets done as everything in the Universe is connected. Each step leads to the next step, and so forth and so on. Someone must do the initial work to get a job done. Neither the first step nor the last are of greater significance, As they were both needed to accomplish the task. - Past-Present-Future they are all connected...
7. THE LAW OF FOCUS - You can not think of two things at the same time. When our focus is on Spiritual Values, it is impossible for us to have lower thoughts such as greed or anger.
8. THE LAW OF GIVING AND HOSPITALITY - If you believe something to be true,then sometime in your life you will be called upon to demonstrate that particular truth. - Here is where we put what we CLAIM that we have learned, into actual PRACTICE.
9. THE LAW OF HERE AND NOW - Looking backward to examine what was, prevents us from being totally in the HERE AND NOW. - Old thoughts, old patterns of behavior, old dreams... - Prevent us from having new ones.
10. THE LAW OF CHANGE - History repeats itself until we learn the lessons that we need to change our path.
11. THE LAW OF PATIENCE AND REWARD - All Rewards require initial toil. - Rewards of lasting value require patient and persistent toil. - True joy follows doing what we're suppose to be doing, and waiting for the reward to come in on its own time.
12. THE LAW OF SIGNIFICANCE AND INSPIRATION - You get back from something whatever YOU have put into it. - The true value of something is a direct result of the energy and intent that is put into it. Every personal contribution is also a contribution to the Whole. - Lack luster contributions have no impact on the Whole, nor do they work to diminish it.
In short... Be to be happy, you must spread happiness, kindness, respect, and joy. Try it today, and start a new life.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Paranormal Activity, and Spirits roaming the Upstairs Bedrooms

This is an actual recording of ghostly activity captured in the upstairs bedrooms of this haunted house. Note: if you are expecting a ghost to go dancing across the screen, I am afraid that you will be disappointed. I do not fake videos, and videos like that are fake, I assure you. hat it is you will be looking for are the shadows, and subtle movements. Enjoy watching, and I hope to hear from you.

Visit the Live Ghost WebCams
dddavids GhostCams

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Webcams Capture Anomalies on the Live Outdoor Spirit Cams

This is from a few of the Live Webcams (Ghost Cams) set up on the grounds outside the house. You will see in this video actual, strange light anomalies (spirits, ghost) appearing on the cameras.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Was it The Ghost of Christmas Past?

Was an evil looking black-eyed ghost captured on film during a Christmas party?
Two teenage girls say they spotted the demon after taking the picture at a pub. Sophie Killip and Kayleigh Lomas, both 19, had met up for a festive get-together, but they were horrified when the spectre appeared at one of the party tables in the photograph.
In the photo a dark-haired child appears to have marks on her head and wearing old fashioned clothing, and sunken eyes.
Sophie, a student, said: "The table was just one down from us and nobody was sat there so we took a photo of the decorations because they were really nice."
"There was nothing there at the time but when we looked back at the photo we couldn’t believe it."
"It was pretty scary and I felt creeped out."
"It looked like a little girl staring directly back at us."
"I didn’t believe in ghosts until I saw this photo."
"No-one was sitting at this table yet there is most definitely something paranormal in the photo." “No-one was sitting at this table yet there is most definitely something paranormal in the photo.” The pair took the photo at Harry’s Bar and Grill in Newcastle. And Sophie sent it to a friend who “reads” ghost photos. The friend admitted it was the “clearest evidence she had ever seen”. It was reported that last year (2014) many black-eyed ghost of children tormented people across Britain, particularly those living in Cannock Chase, Staffs – said to be the UK’s most haunted area. The two girls took the photo at Harry’s Bar and Grill in Newcastle. And Sophie sent it to a friend who “reads” ghost photos. The pal admitted it was the “clearest evidence she had ever seen”.
Last year black-eyed child ghosts tormented many people across Britain, particularly those living in Cannock Chase, Staffs – said to be the UK’s most haunted area.
Stories about strange activities around places like Cannock Chase or Dudley Castle have been around since time immemorial, and sceptics would suggest such locations are tailor-made for a fertile imagination.
It is said that the spirits of Black-eyed children is an urban legend of supposed paranormal creatures that resemble children between the ages of 6 and 16, with pale skin and black eyes, who are reportedly seen hitchhiking or panhandling, or are encountered on doorsteps of residential homes. Tales of black-eyed children have appeared in pop culture since the late 1990s.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Ghost, Orbs, Spirits in the room Real Footage

I had sensed spirits in the room, so I turned on the camera, and started recording. Do you feel their presence too? Let me know, and please "like" and Subscribe for more!!!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Do You Sense Spirits In This Room?

Let me know what you think of this video. This is a video recording of a room in the basement.

If you can, watch this video full screen, and pay attention to the bottom half of the screen, and the chair in particular. There seems to be a small person, or child in the video, and possibly more than one.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

A Baby Upstairs, Part of an ongoing Paranormal Investigation in the House

In this part of the on going Paranormal Investigation in the house, we find ourselves in one of the bedrooms upstairs with a infrared camera, and a spirit box, and the ghostly sounds of a baby.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Real Ghost, Orbs, and Shadows Caught on Video

I haven't done a Ghost Box (Spirit Box) session for a while, so I thought it was time. Unfortunately my camera battery ran down rather quickly, but I did manage to capture a couple of anomalies. I hope you enjoy this.

The truth about Dylann Roof Confessed Killer of 9 People at AME Church, ...

Suspect Dylann Roof has allegedly confessed to killing nine people at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina according to a law enforcement source briefed on the investigation.
Dalton Tyler, who said he has known Roof for seven months to one year, said he met Roof through a good friend. He also said Roof's parents, with whom he said the suspect was "on and off," had previously bought him a gun but never allowed him to take it with him until the week of the shootings.
It was also said that Dylann Roof purchased the .45 caliber pistol with $400 his father gave him for his birthday, other sources said.
There is loophole in federal law (backed by the NRA) that has been exploited some 15,000 times over the last five years, according to the Everytown for Gun Safety advocacy group – and that allowed Dylann Roof, the alleged Charleston gunman, to buy his weapon.
"He was big into segregation and other stuff," Tyler said. "He said he wanted to start a civil war. He said he was going to do something like that and then kill himself." Roof was among a dozen church members who were attending a Bible study at Emanuel AME, one of the nation's oldest African-American churches. He asked to sit next to the pastor, and about an hour into the meeting, opened fire on the people there. He killed six women and three men, including the pastor, the Rev. Clementa Pinckney. Three people survived.
Charleston County Coroner Rae Wilson said Thursday that the gunman walked into the church and didn't raise any red flags among the worshipers. "The suspect entered the group and was accepted by them, as they believed that he wanted to join them in this Bible study," she said. Then, "he became very aggressive and violent."
A survivor said that the shooter "reloaded five different times, and he just said, 'I have to do it. You rape our women and you're taking over our country. And you have to go."
Roof had two prior arrests earlier this year after he was stopped at a Columbia shopping mall and was found with suboxone, a type of narcotic used to treat opiate addictions, police reports show. He was taken into custody on a drug charge, and then again the following month for trespassing at the mall. Roof's uncle said that he had received a .45-caliber handgun from his father for his birthday in April.
Joseph Meek Jr. said that slaying suspect Dylann Roof recently went on a rant about the Trayvon Martin case and riots in Baltimore over the death of a black man in police custody. The two were childhood friends and recently reconnected over Facebook. "He said blacks were taking over the world. Someone needed to do something about it for the white race," Meek told the AP. "He said he wanted segregation between whites and blacks. I said, 'That's not the way it should be.' But he kept talking about it." Police said Roof was arrested today at a traffic stop in Shelby, North Carolina, about 250 miles north of Charleston.
A citizen saw the suspect's car and reported it to police, who responded and made the arrest, police said. Roof cooperated with the officer who stopped him, according to police.
He has been charged with nine counts of murder and a weapons possession charge, police said.
Roof has told police that he "almost didn't go through with it because everyone was so nice to him," And yet he decided he had to "go through with his mission." Please watch the Video, and let me know what you think.

Monday, June 15, 2015

A Haunting, The History of Ghost Stories

A Tale to Tell
Not long after ancient man learned to communicate, Ghostly Stories, tales of specters who have come back from the afterlife to haunt familiar places left behind, have been told and re-told in the nightly circles of many cultures. Often including those who have died early, violent or mysterious deaths, or those who have been wronged.
The Ghost could appear of its own accord or be summoned by someone.
A widespread belief concerning ghosts is that they are composed of a misty, airy, or subtle material. Anthropologists have linked this thought to early beliefs that ghosts were the "person within the person" (the person's spirit), most noticeable in ancient cultures as a person's breath, which upon exhaling in colder climates appears visibly as a white mist. Belief in ghosts is found in all cultures around the world, and thus ghost stories may be passed down orally or in written form.
In the "campfire story", a form of oral storytelling with participants gathered around in a circle, frequently involves the recounting ghost stories, or other such terror tales. Some of the stories have been passed down for generations, with varying versions across multiple cultures.
The people of the ancient world believed that the human soul survived bodily death. Children were brought up to believe that the dead lived on in another form that still required some kind of sustenance, usually pertaining to the kind of life they had lived on earth, how their remains were disposed of at their death, and how they were remembered by the living. The details of the afterlife in different cultures varied, but the constants were that such a realm existed, that it was governed by immutable laws, and that the souls of the dead would remain there unless given license by the gods to return to the land of the living for some specific reason. These reasons could include improper funeral rites, lack of any kind of burial, death by drowning where the body was not recovered, murder in which the body was never found (never properly buried), or to resolve some unfinished business or provide a true account of the events surrounding their death, such as when one was murdered and needed one's death avenged and the murderer brought to justice in order to rest in peace. Sounds very much like the present time.
The appearance of ghosts of the departed, even those of loved ones, was rarely considered a welcome experience. The dead were supposed to remain in their own land and were not expected to cross back over to the world of the living. When such an event did occur, it was a sure sign that something was terribly wrong, and those who experienced a spiritual encounter were expected to take care of the problem in order for the ghost to return to its proper place.
Even the Bible weighs in on the ghostly topic...
Isaiah 26:19
Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead.
There seem to be only slight glimmers of belief in the after-life in the Jewish tradition before the second century BC. Christians believe that Christ’s death and resurrection overcame death and evil. Those who had died prior to Christ’s coming waited for Christ to open the gates of heaven and bring eternal life to all as he brought life to the dead Lazarus.
The Church believes that after death, souls are judged and sent to the appropriate place in what is called the particular judgment. Hebrews 9.27 confirms “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: ” (2 Corinthians 5.6-8) "Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord: 7 For we walk by faith, not by sight: 8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord." (Matthew 25.46)"And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal. (Luke 16.22-24)"And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried.."
Therefore, according to the Bible, souls of the dead are obviously not roaming the earth and when houses are haunted it is not the souls of the dead. Who is it then? The Bible believes that it is the work of good and evil spirits.
The Bible states that there are good and evil spirits or demons who are active among humanity. Possession by evil spirits is evident in New Testament times and Jesus overcame their power by expelling them from the possessed. (Matthew 8:28-34)28 When He came to the other side into the country of the Gadarenes, two men who were demon-possessed met Him as they were coming out of the tombs. They were so extremely violent that no one could pass by that way. 29 And they cried out, saying, “What business do we have with each other, Son of God? Have You come here to torment us before the time?” 30 Now there was a herd of many swine feeding at a distance from them. 31The demons began to entreat Him, saying, “If You are going to cast us out, send us into the herd of swine.” 32 And He said to them, “Go!” And they came out and went into the swine, and the whole herd rushed down the steep bank into the sea and perished in the waters. 33 The herdsmen ran away, and went to the city and reported everything, including what had happened to the demoniacs. 34 And behold, the whole city came out to meet Jesus; and when they saw Him, they implored Him to leave their region.
Sickness often was attributed to the devil, but the message is Christ healed people of spiritual and physical illness.
The Church has affirmed the existence of evil and evil spirits and acknowledged their negative effects. We are called to work with God to struggle against evil in whatever form it takes, whether it be social injustice, poverty, sickness, dishonesty, etc.
Vatican II tells us: “Humanity is obliged to wrestle constantly if it is to cling to what is good” (Church in the Modern World, n. 37). The Church insists that all of creation is under God’s domain and evil cannot suppress our freedom and responsibility. God sent Jesus to save us from the power of evil and he overcame evil by his death and resurrection.
There is much more than this brief statement can say about evil spirits in the world. We cannot blame everything on them.
Spirits who roam the earth and haunt houses often torment the living but sometimes they seem to act in good ways. According to Paul: “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” (2 Corinthians 11.14).
When the Pharisees accuse Jesus of being possessed in John’s Gospel, Jesus retorts "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” (John 8.44).
there are many references in Sacred Scripture to the evil spirit, the devil roaming the earth. "And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it." (Job 1:7)
Weather or not you choose to believe in ghost, spirits, demons (or what ever you choose to call them), is up to you, but I believe you would be missing out on a wonderful thing if you should choose not to take part in a ghost story or two.
After all, it is the mysteries that make life interesting. Lest we forget... Here are a few Real Ghost Stories for you now to enjoy. Visit for awhile the True Ghost Stories from around the world.