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Showing posts with label candy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label candy. Show all posts

Monday, March 23, 2015

Losing Weight Before Easter. Can it be done?!?

I'm sure that I am not the only person on Earth that has this problem. During the summer I am in fairly decent shape (weight wise), but come the fall, with all of the exciting and tasty Halloween candies, followed by Christmases, and Easter's sweet offerings, I am having a little trouble fitting in to my clothes.
I also don't know if it works this way for everyone else, but to get off the sugary holiday treats I also have to wait for that moment if true inspiration. That moment that I know that it will truly work, and that I would most probably stick to it (see what I did there)... Well, for me, that moment came this morning. I woke up and thought "I have exactly 13 days until Easter!!! I know that because I conveniently have a Count Down To Easter Page, and it told me today that I have 13 days before I am going to be at a large gathering of people, and that became my inspiration, my true inspiration, that I knew I could stick to. I don't want to show up looking a "little pudgy". That means that realistically I could loose 13 pounds by that day just by cutting out the sweets that I consume in a day, because I really don't eat that much otherwise. So therefore, I think it might be doable. Yeah!

I am sure that there are people who think...just go out and exercise, but that has never been my way. I don't mind taking the dog for walks, and doctors would say that walks were good, but as far as actually doing real exercise... Eeeeek! I might start running if someone were behind me with a knife, but we would probably have to agree to stop, and rest every block. I am pretty sure of that. In a horror movie I would most assuredly be that one who starts to run, but falls down, and stays there, but on to that more positive thought...losing maybe 13 pounds. I think I can do it! Any of you are welcome, of course, to join me if you like. Today I weigh 146 pounds, and though I stand 5'11 1/4", all of that extra weight currently sits in my midsection, and does not look good at all. So it is today I begin, with Easter candy currently in the house, mind you, but I woke up with that "true inspirational moment", and I will get to that Easter Celebration a little skinner, I know it. I will leave my progress in the comments section below, and maybe some of you will join me in this endeavor of "Skinner By Easter"! It can be done.